What is controlled access?


Simplest is a single manually operated button controlling a door lock release of some type, all the way up to computer controlled Biometric systems.






Access control systems perform authorisation identification, authentication, access approval, and accountability of entities through login credentials including passwords, personal identification numbers (PINs), biometric scans, and physical or electronic keys


Electronic access control provides the most efficient and convenient way of securing your building and assets. Installing an access control system means that you will never have to change a lock again. Tokens are issued to allow access through the controlled doors, and are easily barred from the system if they are lost, stolen or just not returned by someone who leaves your company. Barred tokens will not allow access through the controlled doors.


Once an access control system is installed, all doors controlled by the system will automatically lock when the door is closed. Anyone without a PIN or access token is unable to enter. If necessary, doors may be set to unlock during a designated time frame.



Some of the products we  supply and install


Prox Reader.

Either card or fob.


Keypad operated replacement.


Biometric, and or, Keypad.


Electric Lock, or Strike,



Swipe Card Reader.

Either IR or Mag stripe.


Self Contained Keypad

Single Door Access


A “Shear Lock”. Retractable Bolts.


Hardwired two point intercom and  door release


Proximity reader

Either card or fob. Both have their advantages, cards are cheaper, fobs last longer.



A stand alone unit is simple to fit  and reprogram if needed. There can be a number on a system which of course can be centrally can be monitored.


Electric Strike

A simple way to offer a remote release for a door. The lock remains the same, very often used with intercom units.


Shear lock

Used where a maglock is not suitable. They can be inset within the door and the frame, where as a Maglock cannot be.



Can be fitted to most doors. They have the advantage of being totally fail safe should the power fail. There are fail secure versions that are battery backed up.


Keypad operated

A possible direct replacement for a door handle where there  is a need for local security and it is not possible to fit an electric strike, or maglock, etc.



Various types some not as “usable” in all situations as others.